Top 9 Singing Bowl Benefits

The singing bowl is a very special instrument that’s used in many cultures all over the world, including India, Tibet, and Thailand. The sound of the singing bowl has been known to have relaxing, therapeutic qualities for centuries.

There are many wonderful things that can be done with these bowls. They can be played solo, or even in meditative music sessions with other instruments. They are also used to reduce stress and anxiety in those who may be experiencing difficult times in their lives.

Read on for more singing bowl benefits!

Singing Bowl 101

A Tibetan singing bowl is an ancient type of inverted bell that’s made out of metal. It has a unique shape that allows it to be held and struck with a mallet, creating a beautiful sound.

Singing bowls are often used in meditation spaces or for relaxation purposes. They can also be used to create a healing environment by helping to balance the energy in a space.

Singing sound bowls were first used for rituals and sound meditation purposes by the Tibetan Buddhists, who had been using them for over 1000 years. They are typically made from seven metals, including gold, silver, platinum, copper, and iron/steel alloy of different ratios, depending on the desired qualities of sound or color of the bowl being created.

The sound created from a singing bowl is very unique, which can make it a great aid in meditation practices or for creating a peaceful environment. They’re often used as part of yoga classes because they help to create an atmosphere that allows people to focus on the present moment, while also clearing away any negative energy around them.

If you’re looking for a unique way to promote relaxation and peace in your life, consider using a singing bowl.

Top 9 Singing Bowl Benefits

What Are the 9 Singing Bowl Benefits?

Singing bowls offer a variety of benefits that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. Some of the most notable beneficial effects include the following:

Improved relaxation

The soft, soothing sounds of singing bowls can help people to relax and de-stress. Many people find it easier to meditate when they have a singing bowl nearby. As you listen to the bowl, your mind becomes quiet and you can focus on your breath.

Enhanced creativity

The gentle ringing of a singing bowl can help people access their creative side. When you’re relaxed and calm, it’s easier to let your imagination run wild. The sound of a singing bowl can also help to stimulate your brain and improve your thinking process.

Improved sleep

Singing bowls can be a great tool for improving sleep quality. The calming sounds of the bowl can help to lull you to sleep, and the vibrations from the bowl can promote relaxation and deep sleep. If you have trouble falling or staying asleep, using a singing bowl can be a great way to get better rest.

Reduced stress

Singing bowls can help you feel more relaxed and less stressed overall. Listening to the sounds of a singing bowl while meditating can increase your focus, which helps you handle stressful situations without becoming overwhelmed or upset by them. In addition, using the sound of a singing bowl as a relaxation technique can help you to reduce stress in your everyday life.

Improved concentration

Singing bowls can also be helpful for improving concentration. When you’re able to focus, it’s easier to stay on task and get things done. The gentle ringing of the bowl can help to clear your mind and improve your ability to concentrate.

The sounds of a singing bowl can be very effective at helping people stay on task while working or studying. This is especially true if the person already enjoys listening to soft, soothing music or nature sounds.

Enhanced spiritual awareness

The deep, resonating sounds of a singing bowl can help to open your mind and increase your spiritual awareness. As you listen to the bowl, you may find yourself becoming more in tune with your surroundings and more connected to the world around you. Singing bowls can be a powerful tool for meditation practitioners.

May Help to Reduce Pain

Singing bowls can also be used to help reduce pain. The vibrations from the bowl can promote relaxation and healing, which can help to ease pain in the human body. If you are suffering from chronic pain, using a singing bowl may be able to provide some relief.

May Help Improve Mental Health

Singing bowls may also help to improve mental wellbeing. Listening to the mesmerizing sound of a singing bowl can be very calming and relaxing, which helps you feel more centered and less stressed overall. In addition, using a singing bowl as part of your meditation or mood routine can increase positive thinking and reduce negative emotions, such as depressed moods or anxiety.

Boosting overall wellbeing

In addition to the benefits listed above, singing bowls can also improve wellbeing in other ways. The sounds from a singing bowl have been shown to lower blood pressure and reduce stress hormones like cortisol.

In some cases, they’ve even been used as an alternative treatment for hypertension. On top of that, using a singing bowl regularly can help you to feel more balanced and in tune with your emotional body.

How to Benefit from Singing Bowls

If you’re not familiar with singing bowls, it might be difficult to pinpoint the exact way that they will benefit you. Luckily, there are many ways for people of all ages and lifestyles to enjoy singing bowls. Some of the most popular ways and places to use singing bowls include:


You can use singing bowls to help you meditate. They’re often used as part of meditation practice because their sound is calming, and they can provide a certain rhythm that helps people focus on the present moment, rather than thinking about things from the past or future.


Singing bowls can also be beneficial for deep relaxation, especially if you use them during massage or other spa treatments. Singing bowls can also help you relax when they’re placed somewhere easy to access, like on your nightstand or bookshelf, where it’s convenient for you to reach out and play them. You can even buy singing bowls that are specially designed for this purpose.

Therapy or treatment in a medical facility

Singing bowls are often used in therapy or in medical facilities because people find them to be calming and supportive.

As decoration

Not everyone has a need or desire to use their singing bowl every day, but they’re still pretty and fun to look at! If you don’t want your singing bowl to just sit in a closet, you can display it somewhere in your home as a decoration.

Aromatherapy and essential oil diffusers

If you add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to a singing bowl, the sound waves will help diffuse the oil throughout the room. This is a great way to enjoy the benefits of aromatherapy and get some relaxation session time at the same time.

Yoga Practice/Pilates/Tai Chi centers

Singing bowls are often used in yoga studios, Pilates, and tai chi centers because they’re helpful for creating a certain meditative state that allows you to focus on your body.

Music/ Sound therapy

Singing bowls can be beneficial for anyone who’s working on learning how to express their emotions and feelings, including Alzheimer’s disease, Asperger syndrome, and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). They’re also helpful in teaching people coping skills and building self-esteem, which makes them a great support system for individuals with developmental disabilities or other special needs.

A sound bath (also known as “sound healing”)

A sound bath is a type of relaxation and meditation type session that uses singing bowls as one of the main sources of sound. People often find these baths to be incredibly relaxing and beneficial for their mental, emotional, and physical health.

Schools, daycare centers, and camps

Singing bowls can be a great way to help students and children focus in class or while they’re participating in other activities. They can also help provide a calming atmosphere that’s conducive to learning and creativity.

There are many ways that singing bowls can benefit people, and it’s important to find the way that works best for you. Whether you use them every day or just once in a while, they can be a great addition to your home.

Singing Bowl Basic Features

If you’ve never played a singing bowl before and aren’t sure how they work, it can be helpful to learn a bit more about their history and features.

  • Singing bowls are made from a variety of different metals, including copper and brass. The type of metal used in the bowl can impact its sound quality.
  • For example, some people find that certain metals like aluminum or bronze create deeper sounds than other metals do. It’s also important to note that the thickness and weight of a singing bowl can affect its sound as well.
  • Singing bowls come in a variety of sizes, from small handheld bowls to large floor standing bowls. The size of the bowl will also impact its sound quality.
  • The shape of a singing bowl is usually round or oval, and the rim of the bowl is often decorated with designs or symbols.
  • Singing bowls are played by rubbing your hands and/or a mallet around the outside of the bowl to create friction. This causes the metal to vibrate and produce sound. You can also use a striker (a small, hard object) to hit the side of the singing bowl to produce sound.

How to Use a Singing Bowl

If you’re interested in using a singing bowl to promote relaxation and peace in your life, there are a few things you need to know. Here are a few tips for getting the most out of your singing bowl.

Choose the right bowl.

Not all bowls are created equal – some offer deeper, richer sounds than others. Look for bowls made of either bronze or bell metal so that the bowl will resonate at a deeper frequency when you play it.

You should also consider how big the singing bowl is – bigger bowls tend to be more effective than smaller ones, but if your goal is simply relaxation and stress relief, any size can work just fine.

Choose where to listen.

Not everyone enjoys the sound of a singing bowl equally in all settings – some people find it too jarring, while others find it too soothing. If you’re new to using singing bowls, start by sitting in a quiet room with the door closed so that you can focus on the sounds without any distractions.

As you become more comfortable with the sound of the bowl, you may want to try using it in other settings, such as while walking outdoors or in meditation studios.

Sit comfortably.

When you’re listening to a singing bowl, it’s important to sit in a comfortable position so that you can relax and let the sounds wash over you. You may want to try sitting with your legs crossed or in a chair with your feet on the ground.

If you have any known health conditions, it’s best to consult with your doctor before listening to singing bowls so that they can provide advice about proper positioning and safety guidelines.

Play gently.

When using a singing bowl for relaxation purposes, play the bowl very gently – only tap the bowl with the mallet so that you don’t risk damaging it.

Lower-pitched bowls are generally deeper and have a slower sound, while higher-pitched metal alloy bowls are sharper, but may not be as relaxing to listen to for extended periods of time if played too loudly.

Learn how to play different songs.

Once you’re more comfortable with the sound of a singing bowl, it may be interesting to learn some songs and chants that you can play on your new instrument. Using different sounds while meditating or listening for relaxation purposes is an excellent way to enhance your experience and get even more out of this useful tool.

Listen in moderation.

Singing bowls can be a powerful tool for relaxation and self-discovery, but like any other type of sound therapy, it’s important to listen in moderation. Extended exposure to loud sounds can potentially cause hearing damage, so if you’re using a singing bowl regularly, make sure to take breaks and give your ears a chance to recover.

Safety Measures When Using a Singing Bowl

Using a singing bowl is not inherently dangerous, but it can become harmful if you do it in the wrong way, i.e., hitting a glass or copper bowl too hard.

Here are some safety measures you should take when using a singing bowl.

Hold the bowl with both hands, and make sure your fingers aren’t in the way of the striker.

The singing bowl produces a loud sound when the striker hits the edge of the bowl. If your fingers are in the way, you might end up with some nasty bruises. Make sure you hold it in a way that your fingers are not in the striker’s path.

Use a wooden stick to strike the bowl.

Using a metal striker can dent or damage the surface of your singing bowl. This is why you should use a wooden stick instead, because it’s softer and won’t cause any harm to the texture, color, shape, etc. You can also opt for a padded striker to produce a softer sound.

Use the right amount of water.

Using too much or too little water in your singing bowl can make it harder to sing and produce a dull, muted tone. If you’re anywhere near electronics, put only enough water in the bottom of the bowl so that when you strike it with a wooden striker/paddle, it doesn’t splash out.

Make sure there are no cracks on the edge of the bowl before striking it.

Cracks can cause damage to your bowl and might even affect its sound, so you should make sure that there are no cracks on the edge of your singing bowl before hitting it with a wooden stick. You don’t want it shattering into small pieces.

Let the bowl sing.

Don’t try to stop its sound by putting your fingers on it. This can interfere with its natural resonance and cause damage to both you and the singing bowl.

Keep it clean.

Before storing your singing bowl, make sure that there are no water droplets on its surface. It’s best to keep it in a cover or cloth bag when not being used, so the metal won’t rust and any dust particles won’t settle on the surface.

Singing Bowl FAQs

There are many questions that can be asked about singing bowls, and we have compiled some of the most common ones here.

How does a singing bowl work?

Most bowls do not require water or sand to make them sing. Instead, they are made from several different types of metal, and when the metal bowl is struck, its harmonics are activated through vibration. This produces a singing sound that can be therapeutic for many people.

How do I use a singing bowl?

The best way to use a singing bowl is to sit with it in your hands and allow the sound to wash over you. You may also want to close your eyes while you play with the bowl, for more of a meditative experience.

Is there anyone who should not use a singing bowl?

As long as you are in good health, most people can safely use their Tibetan bowls on a regular basis. If you have any concerns about your own safety or that of others around you, however, you may want to speak with your doctor before using a singing bowl.

Is a singing bowl expensive?

Singing bowls can differ greatly in price based on the size and materials used. Smaller, lightweight bowls may cost only $20 or so, while larger ones made of pure copper or gold plated bells with intricate designs are often more than $100.

There are many antique and rare types of singing bowls that have been passed down through families for generations.

What are some singing bowl benefits?

Many people who use their bowls on a regular basis report feeling more relaxed, peaceful, and at ease with themselves. They may also experience increased focus, emotional release, or improved sleep habits after playing their bowls regularly.


If you’re looking for a way to improve your overall health and well-being, consider using a singing bowl. There are many singing bowl benefits. The gentle ringing can be a great way to calm the mind and focus on your breath.

Whether you play the bowl yourself or relax with its sounds in the background, it can help to reduce stress and improve your wellbeing. So, if you’re looking for an easy way to feel meditative, using a singing bowl might be the answer.