Meditation Tables for Your Home Shrine

Meditation is a centuries-old technique practiced by millions of individuals all over the world. While the general premise of meditation remains the same, people’s motivations for using it may vary. Some individuals meditate as a religious practice, while others practice it to strengthen their soul, body, and mind to achieve inner peace.

It’s critical to have a calm and soothing environment in which to meditate. Your private shrine doesn’t need to be ornate or large. It only has to be a quiet and private quiet location where you can seek refuge from the commotion that comes with daily activities. While you wouldn’t need a lot of furniture in your domestic shrine, a meditation table is something you might want to think about.

We’ll go over some of the numerous advantages of having a residential shrine, and also what to consider when buying a meditation table to go with it, in the next post. Lastly, we’ll present our views on the best meditation tables in the marketplace.

Brief Rundown: Our Meditation Table Recommendations

Zen’s Bamboo Sofa Side Table (Best Overall)


  • Spacious
  • Sturdy
  • Non-toxic

New Age Imports Round Tree of Life Altar Table (Most Affordable)


  • Great price
  • Unique design
  • A little on the small side

Miniature Table for Buddha Statue Stand Worship Pedestal (Best Portability)


  • Handmade
  • Spacious
  • Environmentally friendly

Bedding Craft Meditation Table (Most Decorative)


  • Beautifully decorated
  • Handcrafted
  • No assembly required

The Home Shrine

Establishing your home shrine in your house can inspire you to engage in meditative practice frequently. It will assist you in de-stressing and putting you in the proper state of mind. As already implied, a personal shrine does not need to be extravagant; it only has to serve your requirements.

Several people like to set up their home shrines quite forthrightly on one side of their room, while some other people would rather have a more personal space and have a curtain or room divider in place. There’ll be fewer distractions if you are isolated from the rest of the house so that you can focus your attention more on finding inner peace.

What to Consider When Purchasing a Meditation Table

When buying a meditation table for your domestic shrine, there’re a lot of things to consider, and we’ll go over some of the most essential ones in this section:


When deciding on the proportion of a meditation table to buy, there’re two key considerations to make: How much room do you have to put it? What would you like to place on the meditation table? Although the question of space is clear, what you place on your meditation table is purely subjective and will vary from individual to individual.

Some individuals like to stick to the basics, with only a solitary candle in the middle. Some other people would rather add a bit more and could include stones and statues also. The truth is that there isn’t a wrong or right answer regarding what should be on meditation tables. It is a question of individual preference; what appeals to you and no one else. 


The meditation tables you’d see in the marketplace differ significantly as regards their tallness, and what height is the right will largely depend on your tallness and your pattern of meditation. If you are the type that lives to see on the floor and meditate, then you want a meditation table that is very much close to the ground level. If, on the other hand, you love to meditate while remaining seated in a meditation chair, then you want something a lot higher.


Most of the meditation tables that you’d come across are produced from wood, with walnut, cherry, and pine being the most prevalent options out there. The fact that wood is an inexpensive and durable option explains why most manufacturers would rather use it while constructing their meditation table.


Design is a subjective factor in determining the type of meditation table that you settle for. There are tons of meditation tables in the marketplace, and it is easy for most people to get their perfect fit. While most contemporary meditation table manufacturers like to keep it simple and plain, there are tons of different designs to choose from when you are out shopping for one. Traditional meditation tables, on the other hand, are intended to be much more complex and hand-carved.


For most people, the budget of a meditation table is the single most important factor that’ll determine whether they’d buy it or not. You should strike the balance between the price and the features you want before opting for a particular meditation table. While some meditation tables cost just a few dollars, others are worth more than a two-week salary. Most times, the more money you invest in a meditation chair, the higher the quality you’d get.


Because most meditation tables are small, they’d don’t require you to be an assembly expert to set up one. Some of the most complicated meditation chairs just require a few screws to help them stand. There is a little chance that you’d need to spend more than ten minutes assembling a meditation chair. With that said, you may want to cast your gaze towards meditation tables that feature foldable legs if you are not a fan of options that are prompt you to assemble them yourself.

Meditation Table Reviews

1. Zen’s Bamboo Sofa Side Table

Weighs about 14.1lb

Measures 39.2” x 19.5” x 12.6”

A tiny coffee table and a charming sofa crafted from environmentally-friendly natural bamboo are indeed great options. The style of this table appeals to us the most since it combines leisure and inventiveness into one product.

You won’t be worried about spilling beverages on the table’s surface because it’s waterproof. This table is extremely adaptable and multi-functional, making it perfect for a calm meditation practice with a pot of coffee.

It may be used for a variety of activities, including meditation, coffee tables, child’s schoolwork tables, and so forth.


  • Eco-friendly
  • Adjustable and multi-functional  
  • It’s size efficient and very high quality


  • Heavyweight
  • The legs aren’t so stable

2. New Age Imports Round Tree of Life Altar Table

Dimensions: 6” x 6” x 4”

Weight: 4.8 oz.

If a meditation table that appears rusty but is made from modern materials appeals to you, then the new age imports round meditation table are what you are looking for. This fantastic option measures about six inches in diameter, and its compacted build renders it the ideal must-have accessory if your home shrine.

Adorned with a catchy Celtic knot build strategy with a Tree of Life carved atop it, there is no doubt that this table is more prominent among the different options in our list.  The mere fact that the table has a rustic green finishing with a minor magenta undertone renders it more exceptional than the other products on our list. To add to it, it also has some of the best features you can get on a meditation table.   

Because it is both hand-painted and handmade, it indeed has a great price. One major downside of this product is its size, which is quite small. Although this is a plus for it in terms of portability, it is not the right option if you want an option with more space where you can place other things on.


  • Unique design
  • Great price
  • Hand-painted and handmade


  • A little on the small side

3. Bedding Craft Meditation Table (Most Decorative)

Dimensions: 12 x 12 x 12 inches

Weight:  6.76 pounds

The Bedding Craft Meditation Table is perfect for those looking for a greatly decorated and highly ornate option that would add some color to their home aside from its function as a meditation table. It is handcrafted from Sheesham wood by some of the best Tibetan master craftsmen. Just by the mere sight of it, you can easily deduce that every part of it was carefully made with great precision. So far, it is the most appealing and aesthetic option on our list.

It’s rather lightweight, measuring only three pounds, and small enough to be moved around as needed. The legs collapse in for easy storage and no assembly is needed. The only true drawback to this meditation table (if that is what you want to term it) is that it is somewhat bit expensive. Nevertheless, the quality of the material used, as well as the work and attention that went into crafting it, make it well worth the additional cost.


  • Stunningly adorned
  • Handmade
  • There is no need for assembling.


  • Costly

4. Miniature Table for Buddha Statue Stand Worship Pedestal

Another made-of-wood meditation table that may be used for various things besides meditation. Its primary purpose is to serve as a pedestal for a tiny Buddha statue, although it may also be used to support other ornamental objects.

It’s a fantastic piece to fit your home’s décor, precision-crafted with traditional Thai hardwood and polished in teak color. This stand is supplied straight from Thailand and has dimensions of about 10 X 6 X 4 inches.


  • Although it is little, it is well-made.
  • Capable of carrying a miniature
  • Alluring wood-stain color


  • It’s too tiny for heavy materials.
  • Scratch-resistant

Meditation FAQs

  • Q: Is there a best time of the day to meditate?

A: The perfect time to practice meditation is different for different people and will be mainly determined by that person’s lifestyle. Some people like to meditate first thing every morning because it helps them to unwind after a full night’s sleep. Some others enjoy nighttime meditation because it allows them to unwind after a long day.

  • Q: How long should a meditation session last?

A: Again, there is no correct or incorrect response. Meditating is a highly personal experience, and the length of a session will differ from person to person. As a result, you’ll want to give yourself more than enough opportunity to relax and settle down. If you’re a newbie, you might want to begin with sessions of approximately five minutes. That’s sufficient time for you to enter a meditative state without allowing your thoughts to stray. Then, you can attempt prolonging the practice as you grow stronger in it.

  • Q: Why do some people use music as an aid when meditating?

A: Mala beads, tables, meditation benches, and music are some of the accessories and tools that individuals utilize when meditating. While meditating, listening to a piece of good music may be incredibly relaxing. It might assist to calm your nerves and increase your positive energy.

  • Q: What is a mantra?

A: A mantra is a type of sacred speech that’s reiterated during meditation. Some people think that the vibrations produced by the music have psychological and spiritual effects. When a barrier or difficulty with a specific energy center emerges while meditating, a mantra can be employed to help free the channel and achieve a higher level of spiritual consciousness.

  • Q: How should I sit while meditating?
  • A: Whenever it pertains to meditation, there’re many various postures to try out, and it may take some experimentation to discover the one that feels right for you. There’re some things that you need to keep in mind while you work on your posture:

* Always relax in a position that enables your spine to stay erect while being calm and maintaining its natural curve.

* Relax your shoulders.

* Relax your arms by resting them on your laps or your thighs.

* Tuck your chin in gently to stretch the back of your neck.

* Calm all of your facial muscles, including your tongue, jaw, and even your eyes.

  • Q: Is meditating safe for children?

A: Sure! Children are ideal candidates for meditation since they have fewer stressors that hinder them from relaxing. As a result, kids may reach a meditative state far more quickly than most grownups.

  • Q: What do I do if I get restless?

A: This is a rather typical occurrence when meditating, particularly for people who are just getting started. When we live in such a frantic environment, it’s surprising how difficult it is to relax and unwind at times. Don’t relinquish, however; there’s something you can do.

First and foremost, don’t resist it. Simply acknowledge the presence of uneasiness and embrace it without passing judgment. Then, to make place for this uneasiness, concentrate on areas of stress or stiffness and make a concerted decision to calm those areas.

Focusing on your breathing and concentrating on a longer out-breath can also assist. The most essential thing is to embrace what is unfolding and seek a method to diffuse it rather than to condemn it.

  • Q: How much space do I need to meditate?

A: Enough to make you feel at ease. That is it! While having a complete space or a substantial section of a space dedicated to mediation is desirable, it is not required. If you do not have much space, don’t let that stop you from meditating. Make some space on the mattress or, if necessary, the kitchen floor. What else do you want if you have enough space to sit?

  • Q: Can I still meditate even though I’m not religious?

A: Absolutely. Mediation does not have to be religious in any way. It’s just a method of learning to live in the present moment and find inner peace.

  • Q: Should I meditate alone or with others?

A: We recommend that you do both to have a comprehensive understanding of mediation. Even if you are only meditating with another person, the togetherness you receive may boost your meditation to a whole new height. It also trains you to be more self-disciplined and self-aware. Nevertheless, don’t dismiss the practice of meditation by itself, since it has its own set of advantages. Just change it up as often as you can.


And with that, I’ve concluded my article. I trust it was helpful and that you’re now in an excellent position to buy a meditation table. Herb’s Furniture Reclaimed Wood Meditation Altar is, in my view, the finest model currently available. Not only will you receive a high-quality product that is well-crafted and attractive, but you will also be saving the environment by purchasing a product produced from recycled wood.