Candle Light Meditation: What You Need to Know

Most types of meditation are done by closing your eyes and bringing attention to yourself. However, while for some people it’s easy to focus their attention inwards, some people have difficulties letting go of their thoughts.

For them, it’s much easier when they can concentrate on a physical object. Candle meditation, also known as trāṭaka meditation, is a different type of meditation.

It is believed that candle meditation will help you open your third eye, also known as the Ajna chakra, which allows a person to gain wisdom and develop better intuition. In this article, we will go over every information you need to know in order to bring this type of meditation into your life.

What is Candle Meditation?

Candle meditation is a meditation technique that is pretty simple in which you focus your attention and sight on the flame of a candle for a certain period of time. The different colors of the candle, changing its shape, and flickering attract the attention and puts the person meditating in a relaxing mood.

Candle Light Meditation

Hatha Yoga is where candle meditation originates from, and it serves as one of the six methods used for purification. Trataka, the word used for candle meditation, is a Sanskrit word that translates to “to look” or “to gaze” which makes sense given the foundation of this type of meditation.

The meditation works by focusing on a single point which can be a mountain, rising moon or sun, a tiny dot, or a flame or a candle. Candles seem to work the best due to the fact that it offers a lot of convenience and flexibility.

How To Do a Candle Meditation

Below, we will go over the steps of how to do candle meditation.

Prepare The Setting

The first thing you need to do when preparing for candle meditation is to look for a darkened and quiet place where you won’t have any distractions from the outside world.

When it comes to candle meditation, the best kind of lighting is dim lighting; so, if you’re doing this practice during the day, make sure that you close the curtains. Turn off your phone and any devices that will disturb you.

Also, make sure that the room is at a comfortable temperature and that you’re wearing clothes that feel comfortable to you.

If you’re feeling cold, a shawl or a blanket can help you feel more comfortable as you’re sitting. You may find that sitting on a cushion, the floor, or a chair to be more comfortable than sitting on the floor.

The position you’re sitting in should be chosen by you, and you should pick whatever feels comfortable to you. Keep in mind that you should remain still while meditating and that you’re sitting in a straight position.

Place The Candle

The next thing is to choose a surface where you will place your candle. This place needs to be close to the eye level when you are in a sitting position, and it needs to be free of flammable materials. Once you’ve found the perfect spot, place the candle on it and light the candle. Put the candle about two feet away from you.

Start Meditating

Allow the candle to be the main focus of your mind and stare at it. Even if you feel bored or distracted, hold your eyes steady on the candle. Your eyes might start watering, but this is a feeling that will pass. If you get distracted, just return your focus on the candle.

Don’t forget to breathe as you stare at the candle. With each breath that you inhale, focus on the sensation of the light flowing into your body. The space around you will start to fade away as time passes, and the only awareness you feel will be the flame of the candle.

Once you’re done meditating, close your eyes and lay down for five minutes. Before you continue your day, allow your body and your mind to come back to full awareness.

Choosing A Candle

You might find that the effectiveness of your meditation is increased by the specific color of the candle you’re using. Here are different candle colors and their meanings:

  • Red – Family bonding, survival, strength, vitality, and courage.
  • White – Completion, simplicity, innocence, clarity, and purity.
  • Blue – Trust, relaxation, communication, self-expression, and creativity.
  • Orange – Happiness, friendship, sensuality, optimism, and sexual energy.
  • Yellow – Generosity, confidence, self-respect, inner power, courage, self-discipline, self-esteem, and ambition.
  • Green – Healing, love, inspiration, forgiveness, freedom, hope, and compassion.
  • Purple – Higher consciousness, reverence, and commitment.
  • Indigo – Clarity of thoughts, insight, wisdom, and imagination.
  • Pink – Loyalty and empathy.

All in all, if you follow the same precautions for using a candle for casual use, you should be in great shape to meditate and stay safe.

When choosing a candle for your meditation, stay away from candles that contain and are made from substances that are toxic. Beeswax and soy wax candles usually burn longer than other types of candles and aren’t toxic.

Safety Precautions

There are some things you need to be aware of when practicing candle meditation. These include the following:

  • A candle that burns too hot or high and smokes or flickers should be extinguished.
  • The room you’re meditating in should have good ventilation.
  • A candle snuffer should be used to put a candle out.
  • Candles shouldn’t be used in areas with air currents that are heavy.
  • Keep children and pets away from burning candles.
  • Avoid placing the candle near anything that may catch on fire.
  • When a candle is burning, it should be physically near you.

Final Thoughts

Candle meditation is quite popular nowadays due to its believed purification effect and its ease of practice. It is also said to promote various benefits and that it brings energy to the third eye. We hope that our guidelines and tips will help you in bringing this practice into your everyday life and you will be able to enjoy this type of meditation.