Everything You Need to Know to Find the Best Frequency for Meditation

As a practice that has been around since ancient times, more people are beginning to uncover the benefits of meditation. However, for most beginners to tap into this resource, they need to first find the best frequency for meditation.

Numerous peer-reviewed studies have shown that there’s a clear connection between sound and brain function. Also, previous studies indicate that the effects of music on human brain activity are quite significant.

Under the right circumstances, it is possible to use various sound frequencies to manipulate your electrical brain wave activity.

However, before using beat frequencies on your brain during meditation, you need to first understand the connection between sound and the effects of music on the endocrine systems.

This is where binaural beat therapy and its effect on the human body come into the picture.

Whether you’re practicing mindfulness meditation or spiritual meditations, knowing what binaural beat audio is and its effect on brainwave patterns can help you improve your quality of life.

What Is Binaural Beats Technology?

Binaural beat therapy, or the use of different beat frequencies, is an entryway to your subconscious mind that allows you to reap the benefits of meditation.

Binaural beat stimuli, or binary beat therapy, is the process through which you expose yourself to high-frequency sounds through one ear, and low-frequency sounds through the other.

Even with short exposure to this sensation, brain activities process this difference in frequency and form a binaural beat audio.

Exposing your brain to different sound frequencies using this audio technology creates a sensory illusion.

Conditions Necessary to Create a Binaural Beat

To create these types of auditory beats for your binaural beats meditations, the sound frequencies need to meet several essential requirements.

To achieve the right level of electrical brain wave activity for focused meditation or advanced meditation, the frequencies must meet the following requirements:

  • Both sound frequencies must be below 1,000 Hz.
  • The difference in the two sound frequencies must not exceed 30 Hz.
  • The two different auditory beats must be passed independently, one through each ear.

Due to how unique these demands are, you can’t use any random music for binaural beat therapy or your kindness meditation visualization meditation.

If the sound doesn’t meet every single listed requirement, it may not be able to stimulate the right areas in your frontal and parietal-central regions.

The binaural beat is also used to enhance and fine-tune the sound of various musical instruments, like organs and pianos. A controlled study found that listening to the high-frequencies and low-frequencies emitted from a piano can improve quality of life and give you energy.

Find the Best Frequency for Meditation

Effect of Listening to Binaural Beat

While binaural beat stimuli are commonly used to calm the brain during meditation, many people are starting to report that, alone, it has very potent effects.

Some beneficial effects of using binaural beats technology independently include:

Reducing Anxiety Levels

These frequency carrier tones significantly reduced the anxiety levels of 100 people who participated in a controlled study.

Increasing Focus and Attention Span

In another pilot study, individuals exposed to a certain range of midline theta activity recorded increased alertness and were able to concentrate for longer periods.

Promoting Creativity and Better Performance

Previous studies on the effect of midline theta activity on the human body showed that a suitable exposure to these stimuli considerably improved performance.

It affects human health by eliminating negative moods and encouraging faster completion of tasks.

Helping Manage Pain Levels

A study conducted in theemergency department of a hospital showed that the effects of music helped patients who listened to it bear pain more than those that didn’t. It also alleviated anxiety in patients undergoing painful treatment.

Sound frequency healing helped study subjects manage varying degrees of chronic pain efficiently.

How to Use Binaural Beat with Meditation

Considering how beneficial binaural beat is, you can increase these perks even more when used to complement mindfulness meditation.

The purpose of the exercise will often determine the best frequency for meditation.

As you now know, various beat frequencies of sound trigger different electrical brain wave activity levels. So, once you’ve set a mission or goal for your spiritual meditations, you can simply set your frequency carrier tones accordingly.

Some goals of meditation and the corresponding binaural beat audio frequency include:

Deep Sleep and Relaxation

Meditating before going to bed is a tested and trusted way of improving your sleep quality. However, when you combine forms of meditation with a binaural beat, you can increase this effect even further.

Peer-reviewed studies show that using binaural beat audio from 1 to 4 Hz (Delta waves) can contribute to quality sleep filled with relaxation.

Achieving REM Sleep

Because mindfulness meditation can alter senses, some people prefer using it to attain quality REM sleep. However, it often takes considerable practice before you can achieve this, especially if you’re a beginner.

But, complementing your meditation sessions with a binaural beat from 4 to 8 Hz (Theta waves) can help you achieve this state faster. It also helps reduce anxiety levels and can be used to get your creative juices flowing.

Promoting a Positive State of Mind

One of the main aims of mindfulness meditation and focused meditation is to foster a positive state of mind. You get one step closer to achieving this when you fill your brain with Alpha pattern waves during meditation.

Listening to 8 to 13 Hz music (Alpha power waves) during your meditation sessions promotes improved relaxation and a positive mindset.

Boosting Problem-Solving Skills and Increasing Alertness

Brainwave entrainment technology in meditation can transform your daily life.

By infusing you with positivity and increasing your alertness, it becomes difficult for the bad times to get you down.

Listening to beat frequencies between 14 to 30 Hz (Beta waves) increases your ability to protect your mind and withstand troubles.

All you have to do is ensure that your meditative space is free of distractions and expose your brain’s frontal and central region to any of these sound waves.

There isn’t a maximum time limit for listening to binaural beat stimuli. However, you need to listen to these sounds with or without music for at least 30 minutes each day to achieve the beneficial effects of binaural beats technology.

In addition to exploring the impact of binaural beat and meditation on your mental wellbeing, something else you should familiarize yourself with is the Solfeggio frequency.

Credible scientific studies show that these sound frequencies may have healing abilities that you can leverage independently or with spiritual meditations.

Hz Solfeggio Frequency and Sound Frequency Healing

The roots of Hz Solfeggio frequency sounds can be traced back to Gregorian monks. They used to chant these sounds during their spiritual meditations.

Sadly, this knowledge was lost in time until Dr. Joseph Puleo rediscovered it in 1974.

The research of Dr. Joseph Puleo would be confirmed a decade later by the work of Dr. Glen Rein, a biochemist.

Since then, more research on the positive effects of Hz Solfeggio frequency sounds on the endocrine systems has been conducted.

While more research is required to verify how these sounds work and the order they operate, here is a guide you can use to listen to Hz Solfeggio frequency sounds and enjoy their benefits.

Stage 1 – Listen to Solfeggio Frequency Sounds at 174 Hz

Listening to sounds at this frequency will slowly help your subconscious mind and body become free of tension and pain.

Stage 2 – Listen to Solfeggio Frequency Sounds at 285 Hz

Raising the sound frequency to this point helps you balance your energy for survival, instinct, and safety.

Stage 3 – Listen to Solfeggio Frequency Sounds at 396 Hz

At this point, the sound frequency without music helps your mind feel free of all guilt, fear, and negative energies.

Stage 4 – Listen to Solfeggio Frequency Sounds at 417 Hz

Raising the frequency this high eases negative feelings and trauma gathered from experiencing bad times.

Stage 5 – Listen to Solfeggio Frequency Sounds at 528 Hz

At this frequency, this Gregorian monk chant initiates DNA repair, and its healing sound frequency clears your body of disease and illness.

Stage 6 – Listen to Solfeggio Frequency Sounds at 639 Hz

This frequency level is used for healing interpersonal relationships and restoring balance for a better connection with friends and family.

Stage 7 – Listen to Solfeggio Frequency Sounds at 741 Hz

Here, your mind opens and you achieve emotional stability while also honing your subconscious problem-solving skills.

Stage 8 – Listen to Solfeggio Frequency Sounds at 852 Hz

Listening to sounds at this frequency opens you to the universe and helps you become one with the world.

Stage 9 – Listen to Solfeggio Frequency Sounds at 963 Hz

At this point, listening to this sound frequency completes your synchronicity with the universe and you begin to strongly feel your interconnectedness with the world.

Best Frequency for Meditation

In light of all this information, it’s clear that meditation sound frequency matters. There is a wide array of options readily available to you.

The best frequency for meditation is determined by the goal of each meditation session.

What this means is that if you choose to use sounds during your meditation sessions, you’ll have to change these tones according to what you want to achieve from the activity.

For more guidance on choosing the ideal frequency for you, consult an expert here.